Beloved Let Us ………. One Another

Lesson 3: Mutual Submission


God's Word for Today! 1 Peter 5:5 (NKJV)

 "All of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for

"God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."


So, Let's Get Started!

When you hear the word “submit” what comes to mind?


What do you think about submitting to God?


We all realize that we should submit to God. We might not do it well and go our own way at times but we realize God is someone we should submit to.


What is it about God that makes us think submitting to Him would be the right thing to do?

 God is wiser and more powerful than we are

 Submitting to God is important because we know God loves us


Let's Look A Little Farther Into It!

Read  - Galatians 5:13 (NKJV)  & Philippians 2:3-4 (NKJV)

What about our need to submit to other people?  What does the Bible Say is our need to submit to other people.


Read – 1 Peter 5:5 & Ephesians 5:15-21 (NKJV)

Now that is a difficult teaching!


When you hear that, what reservations, complaints or concerns do you have about it?

This is one of those teachings that everyone has to do well in order for it to work at its maximum effectiveness. In other words, if just one or two people decide to “lord it over” everyone else and be a bully they break this command and make it harder on everyone else to obey what Paul wrote here.

That is why this is called “mutual” submission because it goes both ways.

Let’s talk about this in terms of making decisions that affect more than one person.


How can a church, a leadership or a family practice mutual submission in making decisions about their direction, their decisions, etc?

 Each person is considering what is best for the other

 This is not one person running the show and calling the shots while being unconcerned for everyone else.


What happens when the decision makers forget about what is best for those they lead?

What do you do when church leaders, group leaders or just other Christians make decisions you don’t like?

How do your actions show maturity or immaturity on your part?


Now, let’s look at Jesus. Jesus submitted to God in all things. In doing so, Jesus also submitted to other people.


How do you think Jesus showed submission to people?

 The cross

 His arrest and torture

Jesus was in submission to the Romans who tortured and killed him because he knew that submission is what God called for. Bottom line, submission to the Roman soldiers was submission to God’s plan.

Same is true for us. Submission to others is part of being pleasing to God.


Is there any other way that Jesus may have showed submission to others?


Do you think it was easier for Him that it would be for us?  Why / Why not?


Read Hebrews 13:17


How does submission show confidence in the one you submit to?


How does the Hebrew writer remind them that their leaders also have accountability and must also submit to a higher power?


What result does the Hebrew writer say happens when submission works the way it is supposed to work?


Putting It To Work!

Are there any areas of your life you feel God wants you to be more submissive?

If you are someone who has authority or is in charge of people, how do you find ways to be more mindful of the people you oversee?

If you are a parent, how do you allow your children to know their input is welcome and appreciated but that they still live under your authority?


How do you find this balance in marriage?


Class Steps


Who do you know that needs reached out to at this time?

What good things is God up to in regard to reaching people for Christ that we can celebrate?

Prayer time – prayers that God will encourage us to reach out and thanksgiving for progress made toward the people reached out to in the past.