Monday mornings can be hard! Can I get a witness?
So, this morning I am sitting in my office and I pick up an old missionary book I had been planning on, and putting off reading about "Brother Paul"; Pastor Paul Holderfield Sr., the founding pastor of Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene. As I was reading, I was about half way through when I was stopped by the Holy Spirit by a few simple words that surely helped put everything in perspective for this worn out Christ Follower on Monday morning.
Pastor Paul said, "When I go to a garage to get my car fixed and the sign says 'Mechanic On Duty', I expect him to fix my car. If I go to a cabinet shop and it says 'Carpenter', I expect him to be a carpenter. When we hang out a sign that says we're a Christian, we are expected to conduct that kind of business and not other. What a responsibility we have to win those around us. We've got a mission field here in America; every many with Jesus Christ in his heart is a missionary, but everyone who doesn't have Jesus Christ in his heart is a mission field. I can't go where I'm not and do what I can't; I've got to stay where I am and do what I can."
Every Christ-filled heart beats within the chest of a missionary. Every Christless heart is a mission field waiting for the coming of the missionary.
Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV)
"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
What say we go forth as KIngdom People into our world today and do what we can right where we are. And don't worry, for God Himself with go with, and before us!
Be Blessed this day.
Pastor Brady